Saturday, March 6, 2010

Personal film devolement

I got some idea for my 4thyear personal film

time traveling is always something im interested(ninjas, too)

So main idea is simple, the charator travels through time and space everytime he does this ACTION(one of the scene has to be ninja world!!) at this moment the action is sneezing.

The idea is the charactor time travels everytime he sneezes:) simple enough, when he arrives a new universe hes action would be more passitive depends on the envirements, for examples, he might teleport to this tome, and he relizes hes chased by berserked monsters.

reasons cost him sneezing, cold weather, flowers, paper, ninja smoke bombs,

I would like to focus more on layout/background, animation would be limited

now i need ur input, please leave ur sugestions thank you

1 comment:

  1. anything to do with ninjas and time travel has my approval.

    at one point you should have him teleport to the most beautiful place ever - and just as he begins to enjoy it he sneezes out of it
